A Paediatric Summer School will be held at the University of Saarland (USAAR), Homburg, Germany, on 1-8 Sept. 2019. One session of the event will be dedicated to "Biomedical Data and Modelling Approaches" with special focus on the emergent domain of silico oncology (ISO), viewed in its clinical context. It will be taught by Research Professor Georgios S.Stamatakos, PhD, National Technical University of Athens (ICCS, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering) and Visiting Professor, USAAR (Medical School). The clinical perspective of ISO will be outlined by Professor Norbert Graf, MD, Director of the Paediatric Oncology and Hematology Clinic, USAAR, and Chairman of the International Society for Paediatric Oncology - Renal Tumour Study Group (SIOP-RTSG). The particular session will serve inter alia, as a paradigm for the gradual introduction of ISO, and more broadly in silico medicine, into future medical education. ISO is advancing steadily towards the clinical translation of validated (onco)simulators. Multiscale (onco)simulators are expected to serve, inter alia, as patient individualized treatment decision supporters and in silico trial and biomedical research platforms.
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