An invited interview in the Chinese and international platform of the technology and industry community THE YUAN (https://www.the-yuan.com/ ) published on 2 July 2022. Τhe Yuan focuses on artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare, machine learning (ML) and related disciplines. Its headquarters are located in Shanghai, China. A brief outline of the European Commission funded project BOUNCE on predicting resilience in women with early breast cancer is also provided (https://www.bounce-project.eu/).
LINK TO THE ΙNTERVIEW IN THE YUAN: https://www.the-yuan.com/339/In-silico-medicine-a-new-paradigm-in-modern-healthcare-emerges-in-Greece.html
LINK TO THE ARTICLE PDF DOCUMENT: https://www.in-silico-oncology.iccs.ntua.gr/_files/ugd/447cca_aa8af4105bbe49858d263f1023cdd0f9.pdf
#InSilicoMedicine #Medicine #CompurationalMedicine #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #BiomedicalEngineering #VPH #VPHi #DigitalTwins #Oncosimulator #EuropeanCommission #BOUNCEProject #BOUNCE #Modeling #Simulation #PersonalizedMedicine #PrecisionMedicine #NTUA #ECE #ICCS #ICCSNTUA #NKUA #UNIVERSITYOFSAARLAND #USAAR #Cancer #BreastCancer #TranslationalEngineering #nationaltechnicaluniversityofathens