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PersoRad: Implementation of mobile health tools and artificial intelligence for personalised radiation treatment planning and monitoring in prostate cancer”. Reference Number: ERAPERMED2019-299 , Duration 01/04/2020 - 31/03/2023

EC Project Website:


BOUNCE: Predicting Effective Adaptation to Breast Cancer to Help Women to BOUNCE Back, Funded by the European Commission. (GA number: 777167, Duration: 4 years. Start Date: 1 Nov, 2017. G. Stamatakos, ISO&ISM_G is the Leader of the workpackage on in silico modelling

CHIC: Computational Horizons in Cancer - Developing Meta- and Hyper-Multiscale Models and Repositories for In Silico Oncology. Funded by the European Commission (Grant Agreement No 600841, with 10,582,000 €. G. Stamatakos, ISO&ISM_G was the Scientific and the Overall Coordinator of CHIC. In its final review CHIC was rated as “Excellent” by the European Commission.

DR THERAPAT - The Digital Radiation Therapy Patient (, , FP7/2007-2013, Grant no 270089). G. Stamatakos, ISO&ISM_G was the leader of workpackage WP5 entitled: “Biological and biophysical multi-scale modeling,”

MyHealthAvatar - "A Demonstration of 4D Digital Avatar Infrastructure for Access of Complete Patient Information " Funded by the European Commission (Grant Agreement: 600929,  ) G.,Stamatakos ISO&ISM_G was the Leader of WP5 (Models & Repositories) and WP 10 (Dissemination and Exploitation)

P-MEDICINE: From Data Sharing and Integration via VPH Models to Personalized Medicine (FP7-ICT- 2009-6-270089, ) G. Stamatakos, ISO&ISM_G was the leader of workpackage WP12 entitled: “VPH Modelling and the Integrated Oncosimulator".

TUMOR: Transatlantic Tumor Model Repositories

(FP7-ICT-2009-5-247754, . Funded by the European Comission. G. Stamatakos, ISO&ISM_G was the leader of workpackage WP3 entitled: “EU Model Repository Implementation and Adaptation of EU-US Models Addressing Clinical Scenarios".

CONTRA CANCRUM: Clinically Oriented Translational Cancer Multilevel Modelling. Funded by the European Commission (Project ID: 223979, . G. Stamatakos, ISO&ISM_G was the leader of workpackages WP4 and WP8 entitled: "Simulation at the Cellular and Higher Levels of Biocomplexity" and "Integration of the Simulation System" respectively

ACGT: Advancing Clinico-Genomic Clinical Trials on Cancer. Funded by the European Union and Japan (FP6-2005-IST-026996, G. Stamatakos, ISO&ISM_G was leader of workpackage WP8 entitled: “Technologies and Tools for In Silico Oncology”

CViT: Center for the Development of a Virtual Tumor (CViT). Funded by the United States (NCI Grant CA113004) from 2004 till 2011 and led by Massachusetts General Hospital in collaboration with Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. G. Stamatakos, ISO&ISM_G was a member of the CViT virtual organization.

Development and Adaptation of an In Silico Oncology Application in a Grid Environment (in Greek), Funded by the Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology (Project code: 05GRID41) Duration: 12 months (1 Jan 2007 till 31 Dec. 2007).


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